Japanese locale emulator for japanese games
Japanese locale emulator for japanese games

japanese locale emulator for japanese games

Loopy deformations of kanji that make up one Japanese syllabary (fancy word for an alphabet, but not quite) They look scary to foreigners, but you should learn to love them, they are the key to comprehension! Often used to write the most important 'stuff' in a sentence - subjects, objects, verb roots Originally Chinese characters adapted (stolen!) by the Japanese for many uses

japanese locale emulator for japanese games

Japanese typically uses three different types of writing, each with their own specific uses: Not those accostomed only to 'Western' scripts (English, Spanish, French, etc.). There is room forĭebate on this subject, but needless to say, learning to comprehend it is not an easy feat for everyone, especially Japanese is considered by several linguists to be one of the most difficult written languages. Users looking for more advanced language help should check out Densetsu's introductory guide to translation, which is aimed towards people with intermediate Japanese skill. In any case, this tutorial includes information for people with little or no Japanese language experience. No! What does speaking have to do with playing games anyway?! Hopefully this tutorial will help you tailor your learning process towards games and take a shortcut to comprehension. You may have a passing interest in the Japanese language, but don't have time to do full-on independent study, or you take Japanese classes, but don't find them to be tailored towards your ultimate goal: Playing sweet, sweet Japanese exclusives. Just by being at GBATemp, you are almost certainly interested in video games, and likely have means of playing many of the great Japanese titles that were never released in English. This tutorial will help people who are interested in playing games in the Japanese langauge by introducing them to helpful websites and online tools, and suggest the best ways to use them How To Play (and comprehend!) Japanese Games

Japanese locale emulator for japanese games