Bluestacks android kitkat 4.4.2
Bluestacks android kitkat 4.4.2

It, too, supports the latest Android 4.4 KitKat, and is quite easy to set up.

bluestacks android kitkat 4.4.2

However, Android-x86 takes that one step further by extending support for a number of other hardware manufacturers as well.

bluestacks android kitkat 4.4.2

That’s something that Android on Intel project gives you anyway, which is available for the likes of Dell XPS12. Dubbed Android-x86, it’s (an) unofficial build(s) of Google’s operating system designed specifically to work with Intel’s x86 hardware architecture. Yup – full-blown Android running natively, not the likes of BlueStacks! In this post, we’ll show you exactly how to get that.īefore we begin, let’s take a look at what Android on a PC is all about. However, Android, being the open source platform that it is, offers much more flexibility in terms of the hardware that it can run on, and so there’s Android out there that can run just fine on x86 computer architecture as well.

bluestacks android kitkat 4.4.2

When we talk about Android, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? I bet 99% of the people will answer smartphones or tablets (unless there’s an app that you’re crazy about and that’s what you prefer).

Bluestacks android kitkat 4.4.2